Ventio at the 2023 SFRMBM Congress
Sponsor of the 2023 congress of the SFRMBM (Société Française de Résonance Magnétique en Biologie et Médecine, French Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine), Ventio was present at the International Conference Centre of Sorbonne University (Paris, France) as a partner of this event but also as an innovative company.

Our partner, the BAOBAB laboratory (CEA/CNRS), presented, through a poster communication as well as a pitch, our results around the EOSC-Life project named “QSM4SENIOR” on the deployment of secured cloud infrastructures for advanced MRI image processing and in particular thanks to our specificity of QSM image processing (Quantification of Magnetic Susceptibility). We were able to demonstrate the ability of our solution to process a cohort of imaging data to quantify a marker related to intracerebral iron and propose a baseline on a healthy elderly population.
We would like to thank the participants for coming to meet us as well as the organisers of this event, which was very rich in terms of the quality of the presentations, the posters and the scientific interactions.
See you in 2025 in Rennes or in the surrounding area!